<BGSOUND SRC="/faith125/faith125.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to
Hardscrabble Lane
Steven is my driving force in life, he was diagnosed with autism when he was almost 4 years old and it has been a journey of love, endurance, and patience for us.  I thank God for him and I pray to God for him and enjoy the good days we have and learn from the bad days we have....
Our road will be smooth and untroubled no matter what care life may send; If we travel the pathway together, and walk side by side with a friend.
Forsaking All I Trust Him

Big Hugssssssssss from Hardscrabble Lane
faith125 and family
My Family Photo Album pictures
from the holidays 2006 with my family and JC's family.
Peace and Love~
And may the love of God always keep you.......
Take a trip down a Tennessee
Country Road
Lilly Grace
Wow...how time flies
Click on the keys to unlock our world...Enjoy!
Card Shoppe
~My favorite card site~
The Love In Your Heart Wasn't Put There To Stay,
Love Isn't Love Till You Give It Away.....
~The Dance We Shared~
C'mon inside....
Friendship Rose
~Much Love to my Internet Friends~
God truly puts angels in our lives and helps us lift each other up.  I thank God for everyone who has helped me along my journey of life.....
Page Created November 5, 1998
Love ya, Pamela
Updated November 18, 2008
~Thanks for Visiting~
Music Midi ~ Stairway to Heaven
Led Zeppelin