SO, I see you're still here. Well, if you're such a glutton for punishment, then I'll give it to you. :) Are you wondering why a bright, pretty, charming, witty, stacked, sexy, loveable woman is alone?? *sigh* yeah, Me too...but enough about that broad! This is about ME!!! ALL ME!!! lol Pull up a seat, this will be a doozie! My ex of 17 plus years of marriage would agree, that I'm gutsy & tough. I am secure, I have a home/vehicle/ an income. .I can play cards & tell jokes w/ the boys & at the same time, be a girly girl. I've learned to respect myself & except nothing less from others. I tell lame jokes & can be a smartass. (But, I come by that honestly, my ancestors were thrown out of every God-fearing country in Europe) I believe in obligations & responsibilities. Can't take success for granted, it must be pursued. This pertains to successful relationships, also. I am a good mom, a good friend, a good woman, and a good person. (I'm working on replacing "good" w/ "great") I grew up as one of seven kids along the banks of the Mississippi. It taught me several fast or starve, run fast or get whipped, & School House Rock will stay with you forever. (And the most lasting lesson??? Well, eating fast WILL give you a hiatel hernia) <snirt> Upon meeting me, most people think, hmm, she's petite or fragile. Physically, I am petite. But, fragile describes NOTHING about me. I'm a tough cookie, when I have to be. I'm a survivor. I'm proud, I'm stubborn, & I've got a heart of gold. Are you able to deal w/ that? If so, keep reading. I've faced a few challenges in my lifetime, but, am fully aware that fact doesn't make me stand out. Instead, it's HOW I've faced those challenges thats made the difference. Despite being able to used all my limbs, I have found the use of a wheelchair necessary in the past few years, due to muscle weakness. I know what you're thinking, "So, that is the bitch who gets the primo parking spots at the mall!!" Well, yes, that's me. BUT, I refused to be used for my access to good vehicular resting areas. As if I didn't know there are sickos like you out there!!! tsk tsk, Nice try buddy!! I love picnics, walking in the park, long drives to no particular place, being held & kissed, making love, laughing, eating bbq & chinese food, men who appreciate sexy women, & drive-in theatres. Truly, there is little in life I don't like.I take nothing for granted & won't be taken for granted by others. I've worked hard at being MARY, & don't care to be with anyone who doesn't think "wow, she's done a great job at that". Until there is a treatment or cure, I'll fight for me. When there is, I'll fight for others. I'm gearing up for my first marathon in May, in Green Bay, Wisc. The next one, I'm determined to run under my own power. If you meet me, may this be your lasting thought-- Gotta love Mare....she is hell on wheels.*** **UPDATED-2004--> Marathon was AWESOME! We finished in 6 hrs 31min. Hope to do more! Ashley & I took an amazing vacation in the summer of '03-- covering Illinois, Kentucky,Tenn.,Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, then back home.(no interstates, only "the roads less travelled"), N'Awlins by night rocks, Gulf coast is gorgeous, cherished friends along the way, Antebellum homes, there's a Transylvania, La. (complete w/ bat on the watertower). Actually, I mention our trip for this reason...Take time to know your children, talk to them, listen, cherish the moments with them, if you've done your best. they will leave & make this world a better place.2005 update