Welcome to my world
First and foremost, I'm a huge Rage Against The Machine fan. I wouldn't be the person I am today if I did start listening to them back in '93. I love these guys with a passion.
- "Black nationalism
- He may be a real contender for this position should he abandon his supposed obediance to white liberal doctrine of non-violence...and embrace black nationalism. Through counter-intelligence it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble-makers... AND NEUTRALIZE THEM... AND NEUTRALIZE THEM... WAKE UP!!!!!!
- Above is a excert from a RATM song "WAKE UP". Taken from an actual government document called COINTELPRO. And it's basically telling you to WAKE UP and see what is going on in the government around you. Stop letting the liberal media pull the wool over your eyes and find out THE REAL TRUTH
CLICK TO ENTER RAGE PICS(more pics to come)
Open ratm.html
- The official Rage Against The Machine Homepage
- Open www.ratm.com
- Some things Rage is for:
- Zappatista Liberation Movement:
- A civil war in Mexico struggling so that land, housing, work, food, health, education, information, culture, independence, democracy, justice, liberty, and peace are made a reality for all Mexicans. (Zack De La Rocha went to Chipas, Mexico to help the cause)
Info on Zappatista movement
- Mumia Abu-Jamal:
- A political prisoner here in the USA. There's sites in other countries that speak out for Mumia's freedom. He is on Death Row for supposedly killing a police officer. This site is from an organization called Refuse & Resist.
Info on Mumia
- If your a RATM fan. Mumia has a few words for you. CHECK IT.
Mumia's words
- Leonard Peltier:
- Yet another political prisoner of this wonderful nation of mine. He was one the leader of A.I.M. (American Indian Movement) Who fought for the rights on Native Americans. Rage Against The Machine's video "Freedom" documents his unlawful capture. Info on Leonard
- American Indian Movement:
Fighting for the rights of American Indians A.I.M. homepage
- Well, I've spoke my mind about some things. Now to goto something a little less serious. Where I goto chat is called the Chathouse. If you care to chat sometime goto.. It's a link to the room I goto most Goto room
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