Southern California Golf & Tennis For 40+ Singles Club

Welcome to the first Internet Golf & Tennis Club for Singles 40 and over. Here you'll have the opportunity of making new friends who also enjoy outdoor sports. But that's not all; this club has a social aspect to it like no other. After a round of golf, or a long 3-setter of tennis, why not relax afterwards with dinner and drinks, along with other golf and tennis fans like yourself.

This is not only a club for golf and tennis fanatics... but for single people 40 and over hoping to meet others with similar hobbies. Wouldn't you like to meet your soulmate today? And even better... have him or her share with you in your favorite activity? This is what we hope to provide to the Southern California community here on our Internet home.

There are no membership fees of any kind to be a club member. It is just our way of helping golf and tennis lovers meet one another, and maybe spark a relationship at the same time.

If you are interested in having fun and making new friends, email us at the address below; just click on the blue email address below. Please include your name, sex, email address, and sport preference (golf or tennis).

The club meets weekly at a different restaurant each time, chosen to accommodate the members as best we can.

Come on... sign up today ... what have you got to lose? Hope to hear from you soon.
