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K-T District Division 9 Homepage
WELECOME!!! I'm Nick Rudd, Lt. Governor of Division 9. I created this website in the hopes of better informing my division's clubs of KEY Club events that they could attend. I am new at creating websites, so any suggestions would be appreciated. |
Click to e-mail Toby, Division 9's official mascot for 98-99 |
98-99 Division Goals*
$300 per club for IDD
$300 per club for RMH
*more goals will be brought up at the next PCM, in order to voice your concerns and vote on them, please attend
I'll have this site fully functional in about a week, but feel free to browse now. |
MEP (Major Emphasis Program) This years MEP is "Teaming Up To Create Champions" Basically this means that we, as KEY Club members, are to team up with other service organizations and empliment service projects with them. |
Click to e-mail me, The ltg for division 9, 1998-1999 |
Project Ideas I plan to post a list here soon. |
This site is still under construction, I plan to provide you with more resources shortley, Email me any suggestion you may have.
And feel free to email Toby, he gets lonly. |
Quote of the week: "Laugh your way through life. It will go by much faster and much easier,and the memories will be much greater." Anon. |
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