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Haleigh is now a big sister!!!

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Her little brother, Jaden Parker, was born on Friday December 29, 2006 at 9:11 pm. Mom was in labor for 24 hours with him. Jaden is a happy and healthy baby boy!!! PICTURES!!!

More pictures of the Kids #1.

Kids #2

Kids #3

Kids #4

Kids #5

Kids #6

Kids #7

We went to the Marine Corp Ball on November 3, 2007, it was so much fun!!! I loved getting all dressed up. And the Marines, wow, all I have to say is cute men in uniform!!!!

Easter pictures!!! Haleigh had fun opening her presents and Jaden's presents.

Jaden said "mama" on September 21st!!!! Here is a short video of him saying it.

Jaden is CRAWLING as of July 22nd!!! Here's a short video of him!

Jaden can roll now. Here is a little video of him.

There's no denying these are my kids.. The first picture is me, the middle picture is Haleigh and the last picture is Jaden, we're all about 3 months old.
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Jaden was baptized on Sunday February 18, 2007.

Here is the snow storm of 2007. We had like 15 inches of snow.

I have moved the rest of the albums here.

Last Updated 23 December 2007