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A web surfing fanatic's links to his favorite sites for lake graphic applets, romance and friendship, comedy, and site building. View my lake and poetry pages as well. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do sharing them with you :)

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Some helpful hints when viewing java applets. * Refresh if the page or images do not load properly. * Make sure your browser is java enabled. Click on view on your tool bar, click on internet options, then on the Advanced tab, scroll until you see java, click them on. (all of them)

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For an example of how to view the hidden pages on this site:

click on Next , and Back to return where you started.

The contents of my pages (graphics wise) are not known unless otherwise stated and credit is given to the artist. If, you view one of my pages and find that I have your graphics on them PLEASE email me and I will either delete them or give you the credit that you deserve.


This poem symbolizes the theme of this site :)

Have You Ever...

Have you ever noticed the way dew glistens like 
Sparkling crystal in the early morning light on the delicate, 
almost invisible filaments of a spider's web?

Or traced the lines of the gloriously decorated web
And marveled at the ingenuity of the little creature that spun 
Such a strong and balanced wonder in the night?

Have you ever stood and watched the sky revolve to 
Deepening purples, after passionate pinks and golden hues
Of orange lit it as a backdrop to the twilight's coming?

Or watched the sun's rising on a stunning new day
With the promises of rainbows of color, new sights and sounds
That bring your heart joyously into the morning?

Have you ever stopped and looked into the ever-changing
World of the tiny creatures that live beneath our feet and eyes,
Endlessly working to survive and flourish in their cycles?

Have you ever stood upon the mountain-top and
Looked into the deep, soft, abyss of blue above, that graces 
Us with all we could dream for, if we only look?

Or stood on an undulating shore of glimmering ocean
Watching as a giant majestic mother sea turtle draws herself
From the liquid element to give new life to her young?

Never stop living in a world of wonder, embracing beauty as
It comes to help your Spirit endure mortality. 
Take the time needed
And extend it to encompass all the world has to give.

Written by T. Becker © 1998

Please view the following : Dot Three Angels

On-Site Links

Dot Chuckiet's Non-java Index
Dot Chuckiet's Christmas Pages
Dot Chuckiet's Lake Applet Index
Dot Unused poem Collection
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gricon gs1c

teardrop A tear for abused children

Created July 27, 1998
Updated Mar 30, 2000 2:10PM EDT

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