(I'm on the far left)
Myself and some females from my unit during Annual Training
Foul Eagle, Korea, 2002
Hopefully, I'll be able to get some pictures up from my current duty station in Iraq
Before Emma left this earth too early and before I was ripped from my normal civilian life,
we used to put on our favourite clothes and venture out to Philadelphia
to attend the Dracula's Ball.
Here's a little bit more information about me to satisfy your craving for knowledge.
Find out what the stars have to say about you.
Here are some other sites to visit:
Mistress Emma's Site
EmmaLeigh A. Fabiny
February 16th, 1982 - April 21, 2002
Rest in peace, honey. I miss you.
"Flowers bloom as black as night Removing color from your sight Nightmarish vines block your way Thorns reach out to catch their prey And by the pricking of your thumbs Realize that their poison numbs From frightful blooms, rank odors seep Bats and beasties fly and creep 'Cross this evil land, ill winds blow Despite the darkness, mushrooms glow All will rot and decompose For something wicked this way grows..." -a take on MacBeth by a Scottish Gardening Manual I got this from my friend Owen
E-mail me @ chatton_luca@hotmail.com
AOL Instant Messanger - GIJane075
*We always want to believe there is a better place than our own...