You've finally found it! You were
looking for the web's coolest site, I'm guessing, and you
decided to try this link/address. Well, I must say, a very
brilliant move on your part. You've reached my
page, made for all ages, all races, all genders, all hair
colors, all...well, everybody.
I'm sure you now want to know the
name of the creator of such an amazing website. Well, I'm Tim
(or Timothy), I'm 19 (single), a Christian male, and I live
in the state of North Carolina, which is in the U.S. This
site is constantly under construction, as nearly every good
one is. Feel free to make suggestions. Also, feel free to
give me money; that'd be nice, too.
My screen name on Aol Instant
Messenger is Tim Tripod. Feel free to IM me anytime as long
as you're not one of those terrible spaIM (spam) people.
Quote of the Month: : "Too often we enjoy
the comfort of opinion without the
discomfort of thought." --John F. Kennedy
the Quote-of-the-Month
Announcements: My, my.
Over a year since my last update. I would apologize
profusely, but since probably no one will see this update,
I apologize.
Last time I updated this, I was
about to turn 18. As I write this, I have not only turned 18,
I have turned 19, and am now well into the second half of my
20th year.
I attend college, now. I have a
great many pictures from my collegiate adventures that I
could upload, and perhaps someday I will. But today is not
that day. Today...we fight!
Well... perhaps we won't fight
today, either.
There's not any particularly big
reason why I'm updating it at this time... there's not really
anything updated except for this main page. Perhaps the main
reason is just to let all of you hardcore fan out there know
that I am still alive.
New Year, friends.
Site Navigation:
Myself - A quick
description of the person who made this website. (me)
Archives - Quotes that have been
posted as a Quote-of-the-Month in the past.
PicturePage! 2 3 -
Miscellaneous pictures of me, my friends, and the cool stuff
we do.
2001 Pictures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - A lot
of pictures from Caswell.
2002 Pictures - Even more pictures from
Ball 2001 - Pictures of people
Pictures 2002 - Pictures of people skiing and
Pictures 2003 - Pictures of the same thing, a
year later.
Pictures - Me and some other people
playing paintball.
sie hier - for pictures of my
trip to Williamsburg, VA.
A Grace
Horror Story - Might
be too scary for kids under 2.
Know You're a Star Wars Freak When... - Look
for yourself.
Some of
My Friends' Sites - Links
to my worthy competitors' sites.
Classic Pages (no longer
My Opinion On Some
Comic Strips - Just
what it says.
Here To Visit My Very First Website - My
debut as a webmaster.
The music you hear (if your sound
is working) is "Unoriginal Rags," by Timothy Raus--
oh wait. That's me, isn't it?
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