HOWDY! Greetings and Salutations from deepinaheart
of the panhandle of Texas.
This is some of my
collection of drums, that continues to grow. This last picture, was taken at Einstein's Bar/Grill, a local joint, when we played at the 1999 FMX Canned Jam. Way fun! blah blah blah, then the band broke up. Some of my interests are: drumming,camping,having
fun,writing,reading,live music. Some of my favorite places to hang out, on
line ond off, are: Do you have a drumcircle of your own, and
want to tell the world? List it here! Looking for a drumcircle in another part of the
world? Look for it here! You can e-mail me at:(but careful..I bite) |
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since 7-9-98. Thanks for stopping in!
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OR if you have suggestions about my page,
please contact Erik & Gayla, it's all their fault.
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Home Page
Gayla(in back by drums) and George summer of '99
Web page design by Erik & Gayla |
E-Mail us klemette@hotmail.com |