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Greetings and Salutations from deepinaheart of the panhandle of Texas.
2007 hmmmm. Apparently I'm not updating this crap as often as they think I should. Well, FTW. I don't hang out here anymore anyways. can find me.......

I like to drum with hand drums, if you couldn't tell. Those are doumbecks, and djembes and ashikos, and such. I especially like to induldge my habit around a fire, late at night, buzzing. Perhaps even with some belly and/or fire dancers.

Here I am
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This is some of my collection of drums, that continues to grow. This last picture, was taken at Einstein's Bar/Grill, a local joint, when we played at the 1999 FMX Canned Jam. Way fun! blah blah blah, then the band broke up.

Some of my interests are:

drumming,camping,having fun,writing,reading,live music.

Some of my favorite places to hang out, on line ond off, are:
Find out where it's happening in Texas!

Do you have a drumcircle of your own, and want to tell the world? List it here! Looking for a drumcircle in another part of the world? Look for it here!
Fun Stuff! Legally beat the snot outa your friends!Legally beat the snot outa your enemies! Find out how, where, and when!!! (Erik & Gayla)
My Best Friends, not to mention great web page designers!

the Ocean
Ahhh Wish I was there now!..side note-I have about 1 more good move left in me, and i'm pretty sure it's gonna be to the beach.

the Mountians
Ahhh Or there!

Main Street Saloon
Main Street Saloon-Best Live Music Place in Town..(was)

You can e-mail me at:(but careful..I bite)

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

I do enjoy meeting and talking with people. ya know, I made this page when I was a chat addict. not much point to it now, is there.
Howdy! my name is George, and I am a drum junkie. =]
I am also a reformed Chat Addict. I have been chat free since 1996. Internet Chat-YOU can't afford it.
May the Goddess guide your life with the beat of 1000 drums.

Hathor - The Egyptian goddess of drums,musical instruments, cows,falcons,just to name a few.

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since 7-9-98. Thanks for stopping in!
If you like my page,
OR if you don't like my page,
OR if you have suggestions about my page,
please contact Erik & Gayla, it's all their fault.

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Gayla(in back by drums) and George summer of '99

Web page design by Erik & Gayla
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