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GirliGirls' Home Page

Hello and Welcome!

"Someone once said:
What goes around comes around.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt."

Well here it is, my page in all it's glory. I've spent heaps of time working on it so I hope you enjoy! =)

As you can see my nickname is GirliGirl... my given name is Laura. (I respond to either.) I was born and raised in The States, in Michigan. But since have moved to Australia near Sydney to be closer to the love of my life, my fiance Brett. If you want to know more about me check out my bio. I have pictures posted there too.

My favorite animal is dolphins and whales and I love most everything that has to do with them, therefore, I gave them their own little section to my page. Go check it out there are many interesting links to check out. :)

I also have links to some of my friends that have put the time into making a webpage for themselves.

If anyone has any comments, questions, ideas or improvement or Just want to say "Hi" send me an email, it's just a click away.

This page was last modified on November 28, 2002.

More about Me

These pages were last modified on January 14, 2002.

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