
Dedicated to Everyone
Who has ever Loved and Lost


To Everyone Who Has Found Their Lost Love

The dawn is breaking,
And I look over and see,
You beside me,
So near,and yet so far.

How I long to hear the words,
To feel your touch,
To know the love,
That I've hungered for so much.

How I long to hear,
You whisper my name,
And feel your arms around me,
To tell me you love me, I'm the only one,
But my mind tells me,it's never me.

Although your here,I am alone,
Your spirit is not here with me,
So the truth is finally known,Heart verses Mind,
For today I know it was Never_Me.
© written by
Tracy Holland

are all I have left,
Of the love
that you and I shared,
that you've long forgotten,
For new ones
with your new love
you've paired.
you'll look back
and remember
The love
that you threw away
You traded true love
for fantasy
You might even
© written by
Tracy Holland

Always cherish what you have
For you never know when you might lose it.

These are some of my favorite "oldies", hope you enjoy them.
To play them ,click on the name of the song.

LastDate..... Sweet Dreams..........Sea Of Love..... She's Got You .....Only You.....Gone.....
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes.....Crazy..... Great Pretender..... Walking After Midnight.....
I Fall To Pieces .....He'll Have To Go.....She Called Me Baby.....Wasted Days And Wasted Nights.....
Room Full Of Roses.....Storms Never Last.....
I'm Sorry.....Fool Such As I.....

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Sometime in our life,we come to a crossroad.
When we have to choose a different path ,in order to keep our sanity.
Unless you want a repeat of what brought you to this crossroad,
You must move ahead ,and look for a new beginning,
For this chapter in your life is closed.

<bgsound src="foolimawoman.wav" width=145 height=60>

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