About DeepThawt

Merry Met, and Welcome to Deeps' Page

This page exists for only one reason; A place to hold some typically awful pictures of me for Yahoo Chat.

My Name is David, and I am a Canadian citizen living in Hamburg Germany.
It is very nice in Hamburg, much Like Vancouver British Columbia on the West Coast of Canada (which is where I come from).
I am employed as the Director of Research and Development at a Satellite Communication Company.
20+ Years of computer, software and hardware experience really help when you have to manage 8 different types of UNIX and DOS Operating systems and a Wide Area network spanning 3 countries.
I'm really in pretty good health, but i'm not very active (so i am a little round).
Sometimes I get away from the computer long enough to go out and tour some of the beautiful sites here in 'Schlesweg Holstein'. Cycling is *great* here in northern Germany because the terrain is relatively flat and there are bicycle paths almost everywhere, even in the country, but NOT on the Autobahn.
What else can I tell you about myself?
Things that I think are important:
  • Truth (honesty, integrity)
  • Logic (aesthetics, purity)
  • Beauty (elegance, style, physical, mental and spiritual)

Things that I think are repugnant:

  • Lying (deception)
  • Inefficiency (poor design)
  • Incompetency
  • Bloated operating systems
  • Irresponsible Committees
Picture of Deep
Sep 3, 1998.
Well that is all for now, talking about myself is *not* my favourite subject, but it is possible that i might update this page someday and tell you more about my family.

I'll leave you now, with these parting words of Wisdom:

Think, and survive.

Send me some email! DeepThawt@yahoo.com
I have another Home page on Yahoo

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