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Last updated: 02/03/03 @ 17:46 EST

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Robert's Page!

I know this picture is bad, but it's the best one I have to this point. Click to see actual size.

My beautiful wife
This is my beautiful wife, Isabelle. She wanted me to say that it's an old picture, but she's still beautiful!

Thanks for checking out my site. I haven't been able to update this page in quite a long time, so please excuse that. I'm from Kentucky. I graduated from college in May of 2001. Isabelle and I moved back to Central Kentucky in 2001, and I've been working for a transportation company for a little over a year now doing accounting and human resources. Thanks for checking out my page.Mail me or catch me on an Instant Messenger:

MSN Messenger ID: robert_poynter
Yahoo Messenger ID: robertpoynter


My Yahoo Profile


Here is some of my personal stuff.
I have a Red 1999 F-150. Here it is with me in front. I look goofie in this picture, so please don't mind that. :-)

Please MAIL ME