Welcome to
This is my own little corner
of the
net. It's not a lot but its all mine. Please keep in
mind that this is my first homepage and please excuse
the mess, the place is still under construction. And
if ya trip and fall over something..I'm not to blame.
So grab yourself a Dr.Pepper and some M&M's, but not
the blue ones cuz those are mine and have
a look around!
Well for those of you who dont know me...Hi! I'm
Brett. Well I guess you might wanna know a little
about me and since you came all this way and i dont
wanna disappoint ya, so here goes.
I'm 23 and I
in the
boring state of Iowa, well for the mean time I do. I
was born and spent half my life in Missouri which
would explain why I'm a MISSOURI
TIGER fan. I'm also a sports nut I
can't get enough basketball in my life. If I had my
way basketball would be a year round sport. I live,
eat and breath it. I love to play and watch
basketball. Which right now with the WNBA, NBA, and
college ball I've got bout 9 monthes of basketball
now. So that leaves me 3 monthes to fill the void
with another sport. So between football, baseball and
a little bit of hockey, I manage. I also enjoy
writing. Its one of my least stressful hobbies. I
have some short stories and some poems. They're
nothing spectacular but they're all mine.

I also love Winnie the Pooh &
Tigger as if you wont be able to tell that when you
get done with the tour. My Pooh collection has taken
over my bedroom. I have stuffed animals, watches,
figurines, blankets, beanie babies, Tshirts, etc. Hey
what can I say...I'm a big kid at heart...but damn it
I like being this way...=o)
Another one of my loves are cats. I have three of my
(named after you got it..Winnie the Pooh), Bubba (
don't worry he's a lover not a fighter), and Ju-Ju-Be
(like the candy..don't ask long story).
My kitties are the best. They're always well behaved
and they never leave they're toys laying around for
me to step on and hurt myself in the middle of the
night..(~rolling eyes~) yeah right. Face it they
sometimes act like they're on a mission for the
devil, but then they make that cute lil face and I
can't help but love them.
Ok, enough about me. My
ego is starting to inflate, and we wouldnt want that
to happen. =o)
A Directory To My
The Sports Page
Sports Page - special edition
Disney Mania
The Funny
The Hall of Fame - My
The Poetry Corner
Brett's Photo Album- a work in

And dont even think bout walking out
of here without signing my guestbook. So please, I'm
begging you sign it. Gosh I'm cute when I
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Visiters since July 27, 1998
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