This is my dream house, a place where all your dreams can
come true. I want you to tell me about your dreams.
Have you ever had a dream come true?
Do you have a dream that you would like to come true?
Do you have a recurring dream you wish would go away?
Do you want to know what your dreams mean?
Do you have a special dream you'd like to share?
Do you have something you would like to say about dreams?
Do you know any sites about dreams?
Please use my Dream Book to share all your thoughts and feelings
about dreams. This Dream Book is for your use if you are willing
to open up about Dreams.
I am also looking for any good sites that you might be
interested in linked here. If you know of anything fun sites,
please let me know. Whatever you do, please sign my Dream Book,
because your dream may come true!!!

You are my

Did you know?
Females experience more psychic dreams in which
they foresee future events -- and their dream forecasts
accurate more often than men's.
Links to other sites on the Web
The Yuckiest Site on the Internet
Just Joni's Place
My Background is by Joni.
My Personal Page
Something I just threw together.
Cindy's Home Away From Home
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