Welcome to my corner of the web ..... "SPECIAL NOTICE: - - - I have been away from my page for some time. I am now in the process of updating all of the pages. PLEASE BE PATIENT .. AND RETURN OFTEN TO SEE MY CHANGES!!! ... Web pages are great places to express ourselves ..... and here you will find things about me ... the people in my life ... and a little of my new interest ... writing poetry! ~~~~~~~ There have been visitors to my page .. but there are not that many entrys in my Guestbook ....so please sign it! ...... and remember ... I appreciate your visit. ~~~~~~~ Please come back often !!!

Dave's Corner ...............................

Welcome to my corner of the world !!

Ever wonder why so many people have their own web page? I think it is a great place to express our true selves ...... a place where we have the whole world as an audience.

On my page .... you will find things about me .... pictures of my children (who just happen to be the most important thing in my life) .... and some of the things I like to do in my spare time. Well .... with three kids .... and my career .... where do I find "spare" time?

Some of my interests are:

  • My Kids (of course) of which I have 3!

  • NASCAR (#6 Mark Martin "THE MAN)
    (Please visit My Mark Martin page)

  • NBA .. ~The Pacers! ~ Thanks for a GREAT Season !!! ~
    The Pacers finished the regular season with
    the best record in the East, won the
    Eastern Conference Championship AND made it to the
    NBA Finals for the 1st time in team history !!

  • NFL .. (Colts this year were 13 - 3)

    AFC East Champions!
    My Colts Fan Page

    ~~~ 1999 / 2000 AFC East Champions!! ~~~

    My Kids !!!

    Kids .... they are what this world is ALL about. Here are some pictures of mine. They are the highlite of my life .... and the reason I look forward to each new day !!

    Megan's Page

    Corbin's Page

    All 3 of my Kids

    NASCAR Winston Cup Series!

    Mark Martin Fan Page

    I have started to RE-DO my web page ... and this section is the one that I have experimented with! What I have done is put some of my poetry into a section of it's own, therefore making my site just a little easier to browse. Check back every once in a while to see some of the other changes I am going to make!

    Dave's Poetry Journal

    ~~ A Couple of my Awards ~~


    Sign my Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View my Guestbook

    ~My Banner~
    Banners for some of my web pages!
    Coming Soon ~ THE Pictures !!!

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