Welcome to Kebby's Webpage!!

Hi! My name is Kebby And I am 15 years old. This webpage will be updated often so check back for changes. I live in Connecticut. I collect beanie babies and I currently have about 130 of them! Some of my favorite things to do are swim,ski, Bike Ride, babysit, sleep, talk to friends online, talk on the phone, and camp.I love computers and I go on the internet a lot! I have many Net Buddies! I like Clowns also! One day I hope to be a clown! But not as a regular job I want to be a cook! And a Clown as like a side job..Well school started again..its alright but too much homework..Can't wait for a vacation!

Click here to see My Picture!!

Click here to see Pictures from when I met an Internet friend!!

More Pictures of me and some friends!!

I have one sister who is 12 and her name is Kristi. She likes to swim, talk, play softball, run and talk to people on the phone! She is going into 7th grade. If you want to you could visit her webpage at
Kristi's Page!

Here are some links to some of my favorite pages! Please check them out! Thanks! Hope ya like them!
Purple Moon
My other Page!
Jellybelly Jellybeans!
Sound Wavs
Liza's got the Laughies..
My world
My sisters Webpage!
Ty Beanie Babies
Magic 8 Ball
Are you a nerd? Take this quiz and find out!
Virtual Pie in the face!
WhiteBoard (draw with other people)
Some cool graphics
The Web Trick
Beanie Mom!
A cool page! Cool Links!
Blue Dog Can Count
Sites that do stuff
Message In A bottle
How to keep an Idiot Busy
Send Online Greeting Cards
Corn Pops!
South Park
What does your Phone number spell?
Big Green Button 2!
Big Green Button
Wet Cement
Funny Drawings
Let me Guess the Flavor of Jello
Bucket O' Fun!
Tune Smith
A dog Club Page!
The Ashley Page
Elisabeths Page
A cool Page
Ghosts and Ghools
Field Hockey Rocks
A pretty Cool Page
Dragon Ballz

I will link anyone who wants to be linked as long as your page is appropriate!

Here are a couple of my favorite pictures on the internet! I hope you like them!

Here is a picture of my favorite South Park Character, Cartman!
Eww I never knew she picked her nose!

Yo be nice to my fishies! They are my pets! You can leave them a message in the GuestBook!

Please sign my Guestbook!!

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