Welcome to my homepage. Here I am after my graduation in uniform as 3rd Officer (2. Styrmand in Danish). The picture was taken the day before my 28th birthday, and also the day before the departure to join MS Margrethe Mærsk On December 10. 2002 I was promoted to 2nd Officer (1. Styrmand in Danish).

This page contains pictures from my work at sea, initially as apprentice and now as 2nd Officer. As apprentice I was first on board a container vessel and then a LPG carrier (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), and I was on board each ship for about six months and I have been to many interesting places around the world, and I have seen interesting and beautiful things at sea.
The page also contains my story illustrated with pictures. Read about it under This is my life.
As 3rd Officer I was on board four different containerships. You can read about this under Being an Officer Visit the galleries and see some of the pictures. Read about my maiden voyage in words and pictures from MS Margrethe Mærsk, or read about the ongoing adventures and see the pictures!!. See also my new homepage which is in the making. So far it includes a list of all the ships I have been on board and more new pictures. Have a look!

The sea has always had a compelling effect on humans, and I hope this page can show just a little of that magic.

Visit this homepage and learn more about the job and how you can enter the education (In Danish)

A. P. Møller, my employer
Picture Galleries
This is my life
My maiden voyage
Being an Officer
My new homepage
Selected links

Email me here by replacing (at) with @.

This homepage was established on July 2. 1998. Last update was on February 26. 2006