I must apologize for the fact that this is off the main site, but my ISP is stingy, so unfortunately we're stuck with this :(
Sign Book of Guests

Mark Williamson - 07/13/98 19:07:37
My URL:http://www.btinternet.com/~dunny/
My Email:nabcore@btinternet.com
City: :)
Country: UK
Final/Current Year in Dhahran Academy: I was not there hgahahahahha

errm Konrad, when are u going to make the St.ED's version?

test - 07/13/98 18:24:21


Konrad Paszkiewicz - 07/13/98 00:42:26
My URL:http://www.lostsoul.nildram.co.uk
My Email:konradp@nildram.co.uk
City: Broxbourne
Country: UK
Final/Current Year in Dhahran Academy: 1994 - Year 9

Hello... ;o)


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