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Wildfawn 's Home Page

I was born on July 2, 1961 in Texas, but I was raised in Michigan. I have three wonderful children and sad to say but I will soon be an empty nester. Wow how time flies.

Robert, Marta, and Junior.
(My niece Angie's children are also in the family picture, Dayshaun and Felicia...cutie pies they are!)
There has been a new addition, my grandson...Jordan. I also have 2 dogs, MaryJane and Storm.

Jordan's first birthday cake experience.



I like to bowl, play volleyball, go horseback riding, music,
write poetry, Nascar, Nascar, Nascar,
(my guy is going to retire...sigh
bye bye to Rusty
and one of my passions is photography.
I enjoy the simple things in life, wild flowers,
warm summer rain, the kind I don't mind being caught in,
just taking a walk along the beach or sitting back and watching the sunset.

I like a good challenge, life would be pretty boring if there were no challenges out there.


NEW---->Dazed And Confused
Again Dawn Approaches

Wildfawn's Dream Catcher Images In My Mind

Wildfawn's Picture Page Dreaming Of You My Rose Garden

Missing You Once Again To Thine Ownself Be True My Dad My Mom

Shimmer Sensual Storm Eye Of The Beholder Catch A Falling Star

Knight in shining armor Walking On Sunshine My Friend

With His Love Awakening What Is Love Wanting The Unattainable
Love Knows No Distance My Tattoo

Things Will Work Out Never Say Goodbye

Looking For Love

Time Is Not Time Until It Was

Nascar online

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