Welcome to my WDW College Program 



Hello and welcome to my new home page. This page was created in order to provide some basic information for the Walt Disney World College Program. If you have ever wanted to do an internship, this is the one for you. 

The WDW College Program is one of the most exciting things you will ever do. There are three components to the College Program. These are The Learning Experience, The Living Experience and The Working Experience.

The Living Experience! The Learning Experience! The Working Experience!

The first portion of the College Program is the Learning Experience, where you learn about real-world experiences in the corporate world. The second portion, the Living Experience is probably the most fun, because you get the opportunity to live with other students from across the country and if you are lucky, you will get to live with an international student. The last portion is the Working Experience, this is the part where you get to work for the Mouse himself.

Let me begin by telling you a bit about myself and how I became involved with the WDW College Program. I originally come from Bartlett, Illinois, I graduated in 98 with a BA in Communication and a Minor in Business Administration. I was involved in various organizations where I sat on the Executive Boards of the following organizations: 

I first participated in the WDW College Program in the Summer of 97, where I worked as a food and beverage host in Adventureland and Liberty Square in the Magic Kingdom. Although it was not the most glamorous job around, it was probably one of the best times of my life. I had the opportunity to work several other CP's from around the country as well as with people from other parts of the world. As I mentioned before, the job might not be the best part of the program, but it was definitely worth it.  

I then returned to Western Illinois University for my Senior Year and I decided to apply for an Advanced Internship with The WDW College Program. This is the cool internship, because it is very competitive and you get to work (in most cases) behind the scenes at Disney. I came back in the Fall of 98 after graduation and worked under the Finance Department for the company. 

After my Advanced Internship ended, I returned to Illinois in order to pursue my professional career. I do admit I miss WDW quite a bit and I do go back as often as I can which is at least twice a year. Whenever the College Program is in the Chicago area, I try to come out and assist with the WDW College Program Presentation. 

Thanks Holly Hoffman!!

This page is dedicated to Chandra, Alan, Donald, Allison, and Holly Hoffman... I miss you all!! Keep the Magic going..

This page is still under construction, so please bear with all of the changes...

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