This page serves no really constructive purpose, except to allow us to get to know each other. But to me, that's purpose enough, because I love getting to know people.
To help get things started, let me tell you a little about myself. I'm 53 years old, have lived in Michigan all my life, and have traveled only a little. I have been outside the U.S. once, to England -- but only for a week (don't ever try to see a foreign country in a week, you won't be able to do half of what you want to do). I have four kids and two grandkids. I attended college for 1-1/2 years, but didn't graduate.
I have a few favorite topics for discussion, so if you would like to offer any comments on any of the following, feel free to e-mail me -- you can do that by jumping into the fountain at the bottom of the page -- and I promise I will do my best to respond.
A Few Of My Favorite Talk About