This page is dedicated to the BBWs and their admirers everywhere.

"We all know that acceptance is sometimes hard to come by ...and I think we should especially show it to each other."

The BBW Fun Page is now open to ALL BBW's and thier admirers.

The Fun Page is a good place to meet and greet and get to know each other.
All are welcome to send in pictures and bios by using the hotmail address listed below.
Please ... NO nude, semi nude, or suggestive pictures... this is to meet people for lasting friendships and maybe even romances...

The BBW Regs Room is still very much alive!
Come visit us in yahoo!

REGS... when you do that /join bbw regs room function and you find yourself alone in a room.. PLEASE get out... and CREATE a listed BBW Regs Room. If you are not sure of how to do this maybe you can message myself or another reg to help you.
When you do make it .. the room of course is named BBW Regs Room... there should be a small description... no cybering, friendly chat .. or even just the websites URL will be fine.

The BBW REGS ROOM Friday Theme days are back!!!
I have been asked by several people to start it up again so here it is! This fridays theme is a Hawaiian theme... remember this is for FUN! lets keep it clean darlings!

Have a look at my newest page... Piwhacket's Book Review


Well darlings, the page keeps growing and growing... so I have expanded a bit... Some of the links for this page will now take you to another site... but all the pages have a link back (or should). If there is a problem please let me know and I will fix it immediatly.

Please email me if there is something you would like to see on the bbw page... this is YOUR page darlings...
Emails can be sent by clicking the link below...

New! Check Out The BBW_Fun_Page Message Board!

The BBW_Fun_Page now has a message board! Check it out and feel free to post upcoming events and general messages. It seems we all are so busy these days that we can't always get in to chat and keep in touch with our bbw pals. Hopefully this will help us all keep in contact!
BBW_Fun_Page Message Board

Ok I don't think I explained my idea for the bdays well enough... what I want to do is to put up a list by month of the roomies bdays.. and each name will be a link to their email addys so when you click on them it will bring up an email form and you can email or get their addys from that to send a bday wish.

Don't forget our BBWRoom@hotmail.com account. There is a long list of email addresses of our regs... if you wish to have your email address included please use the above link to send me your Username, Real name and email. I will add you and then send you the password.

Special thanks to Heavens Prince and KyWildWoman for all their help with the
BBW Fun Page.

134_butt.gif Women of the BBW Regs Room
134_butt.gif Gentlemen of the BBW Regs Room
134_butt.gif Upcoming BBW Regs Room parties
134_butt.gif Theme day
134_butt.gif Our first BBW baby!
134_butt.gif Love matches made in the BBW
134_butt.gif Engagement Announcments
134_butt.gif BBW Events
134_butt.gif Past BBW parties
134_butt.gif Awards this page has won
134_butt.gif Special poem for BBWs
134_butt.gif The Computer Guru's Handy Hints
134_butt.gif Links to other BBW sites

Email me with any suggestions or comments
Please come back soon to have a look around and see how we are doing.

Graphics on this page provided by Morion Design

Last updated... June 10th

Admirers to this site since June 21,1998

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My URL: http://welcome.to/thebbwfunpage

I got it for free at http://come.to

This BBW Web Ring site owned by Piwhacket.
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