This is a recipe tree. There is no money involved, just some fun!

Please send a copy of your favorite recipe to person "A". Then change
the name on "B" to "A" and add your name to "B". Copy this page and give or
send it to six (6) of your friends. You do not have to send
recipes unless you want.

It should be interesting to see the source of recipes.
You should receive thirty-six recipes. If you
don't want to participate (or can't) within two weeks,
please contact me so it won't spoil the
fun for others. Don't forget to put your name,
city, state and zip on the recipe. You may include
e-mail address. If you have other recipe web sites, you may e-mail them to:

A.William Bormann
P.O. Box 6564
Moore, OK 73153


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