For more words from Wyz...
Welcome to my Waterworld
X/Scapes - Shane vs the DOT
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Welcome to  the altered States of X / Scapes, where everything is relative & unusual the norm.

I know, I know, it's only about time I update this place, eh?  You & I both know good things take time.  Too bad we don't have enough of it, even here, in our altered states of x / scapes.
Those of you loyal or crazy enough, (yes, there are those few) to check back will be pleased to know I have attempted to organize this place.  Key word here, attempted.  I never said I was successful.  Growth & editing are a constant.
You can't help but notice how much I still love to play with graphics, credit taken by those it's due.  Hope you have as much fun traveling as I did putting it together.  Have a pleasant journey & don't forget to write

Words from Wyz:  Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.

Other-Wyz     A place for jocks & geeks alike.

Space    The final frontier.

Earth Concerns      The future is made of what we do today.

Off the Wall     

Want to get in touch with me?
Email me!