DarkLight Abyss
My Info:
Name: Angelina
Angelina's Home Page
"Awake in a Dream"
"Adrianna Lyn"
In his slumber, I wish to wake
To see his mind's eye
Am I of whom he dreams at night?
He calls to another, sigh.
Awake he proclaims his devotion
But in dreams, he calls another
Beside him I am scared to breathe
Who is his dreaming lover?
So softly his lips part
Handsome his features captivate
Moreso than his unloyalty
Why in his dreams can I not hate?
There he stays his execution
One brief exhale, he cries sane
"Now, Forever, I love my Angelina"
All my fears, now slain.
For now, Angel Anna,
We say our farewells,
To meet again in the future somewhere.
For a brief time our paths have been crossed.
You are a blessing,
The sweet in surrender,
A fighter till the end.
You are a treasure slowly sinking in the sand,
You are the angel who flew into our lives,
You are the morning dew that falls from the heavens,
You are the moonlight that touches the Earth,
You are a miracle,
You are our girl,
You are our love,
Adrianna Lyn.
Angelina Kilmer

Copyright ©2004 Angelina Kilmer
Angelina Kilmer

Copyright ©2004 Angelina Kilmer
"Gorwing Beauty"
Feed this hunger
which grows inside
like a growing tree
it soon must divide.

Branch and feed
set out on a conquest
hide it in life
don't become obsessed.

Blossom and bloom
be all you can be
be a well-rounded person
be a beautiful tree.
Angelina Kilmer

Copyright ©2004 Angelina Kilmer