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Maggi B's Alternative Page


Hippie Maggie.jpg Hi there everyone.   My name is Maggi, and I'll be moving in as soon as I get myself organised!  (I don't always dress like this, I was at a 70's party!!)  You know what it's like when you are moving into a new place.  There is so much sorting out to do, and deciding what to do about re-decorating, etc.  Should you do it all before you move, or move in and then do each bit as inspiration hits you!!??   So, I decided to just bring over a few bits and pieces, and get things underway.  I'll come and visit a few neighbors, and start to find my way around, and see what happens from there.  If anyone would like to say "Hi", you can email me at,
or you could sign my guestbook if you prefer.  Whichever way you do it, I'd love to hear from you. :-)

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!


  Would you like to have a look at my other home?

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Herbs & things

Dress Ups!!

Scenic OZ pics...

Colin and Tamara's Wedding - 24th April 2001

My Neil Movie Poster project

Our Neil weekend at Aurea's

New Page - 2004 OZ Neil birthday party

Family pics

Latest family pics