Obtaining Free Money For You
Immune System Air Purification System

Photo by Daniel's digital studio


Your mail carrier may owe you lots and lots of money

You may or may not know that each time you send a package through the mail, you are entitled to a full refund if the package is delivered late.

For individuals and/or companies that ship packages everyday, having the time to check on your late packages for the purposes of obtaining your refund is almost always impossible since you are constantly mailing your time sensitive and important packages everyday.

That is where the services of this company are needed most. Making sure that you receive the the refunds that are due you from your mail carrier without having to switch mail carriers. You will be glad to see how much money you can save on your mailings. Remeber, this is free and/or extra money you can use for other things that you have put aside because of lack of funds. If this is an individual, this money can be saved up for your kids college, buy extra clothing, or other things for your family and friends or better yet, the money can be used to decorate your house, home or apartment. If this is a company, the extra money can be used as incentives or bonuses for your employees. This will help increase productivity and promote friendly enivironment, thereby attracting qualified candidates and retaining your best employees. The extra money can also be used to buy extra things or machinery for the company which will help reduce workload and promote employee retention. A company is without if it were not for its employees.


The processing of refunds for our clients is our number goal! There is no catch, no gimmics. You do not pay anything unless you get your money first. An opened - ended contract is signed between this company and the clients which will allow us to service their account(s). This contract is only valid as long as there is a mutual aggreement for both parties to do business. It can however, be cancelled at any time by either party. No one is held up for any period of time with a contract.

If you think you would benefit from this outstanding and wonderful opportunity, you can please email, call, mail, or fax your reguests. You can also use the request form on the customer service page to request for more information or to get started.

Phone (412)956-3504
Fax (703)212-3996



You probably already know that some mail carriers like FedEx and UPS absolutely positively guarantee their deliveries by a set time- and if packages arrive late the sender is entitled to a full refund.

What you probably do not know is that last year, over $2,000,000,000 (two billion dollars) was owed by FedEx and UPS in refunds on packages that were delivered late.

FedEx and UPS policies state that senders have only 15 days from the day a package was sent to request a refund. If the refund is not requested within those 15 days, they owe nothing. FedEx and UPS kept two billion dollars last year that could have been collected as refunds.



This is a home based business that uses a unique technology to help retrieve funds for individuals and/or companies that would like to obtain refunds for their late delivered packages or mailings.

We enter information obtained from clients into the system's database. The system links directly to the mail carrier's database and if your packages are delivered late, the carrier is contacted and the client receives refunds for their late packages.

All you do is provide your mailing account information, relax and go on with your daily activities and see your refunds coming in one after the other.

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