hey!! i know i haven't worked on this in a while, in fact, i may not get many chances to work on it (yeah, go ahead and cry..). i'm not home as much as i used to be, and the computer is *gasp* starting to lose it's thrill...i know i know..but, i still will, from time to time, be working on it. if there's anything you would like to see, please email me, k? :)
dang it..you messed up my counter!!! j/k =p
my shout-outs
pics pics pics!!!
random stuff about me
hmmm...you probably don't care but...links!!
pics of friends :)
my notebook
my bookshelf
sounds i've gotten from random places...
a banner you can use to link to my page..if yr into that sorta thing..hehe. if yr not, the button is comin soon =p.