this page may disappoint you, but then again it may be interesting after all...i'll see what i can do...i'll keep it real, and well if you know me in person, that's what i do
if you're having problems figuring out this self explanatory page, get out while you can...
unfortunately your mommy wasn't invited to my page to help you through every little linky-winky...
sorry, that was mean :-/
so, yeah, you can go wherever you want from here, just don't leave before going to the guestbook and letting me know what you think.....
and another thing.......
if you have any suggestions, lemme know.....
gimme ur input through my email...the addy is at the bottom of the page!...
if you have cool pages that i have mistakenly left out, remind me of those too....OK....
so go start pokin' around and stop readin this worthless intro.......
obviously this is a work in progress so be patient...k...well please try and be patient at least
you gotta look at this...wait no you don't gotta
music music music
me stuff
© 2001