Welcome to my home page. Here, and in the pages that follow, you can learn a little about me and my interests. I hope that you can find something of interest here, too.
This site is very much under construction, so feel free to check back in a few weeks (or years) and see what's new.
Thanks for visiting!
Way back in 2000 I underwent Lasik eye correction vision. While the information today is dated, I maintained a detailed diary of my surgery and some subsequent vision problems that resulted. Click on the eye above to read my diary and to see how I am doing. There are also some links to some other sights for information about this form of refractory eye surgery if you are thinking about having it done though, again, those sights might be a bit dated now. The technology has changed a lot since then and might even be to the point where the visual problem I was left with can be corrected. I am not sure, but I will be checking it out.
I love the music of Karen and Richard
Carpenter. Many scoff at them, which is unfortunate, as they created some of the most wonderful and enduring music ever to be recorded. I believe most people who dislike their musical style never really listened to them, or were brainwashed into thinking the Carpenter's were not "cool" as they refused to conform to the rock and roll movement. Though songs such as Sing resulted in their being skewered in the press, their later work reached new heights of maturity and that were simply beyond the comprehension of the drug-stoned DJ's and music critics. Though the untimely death of Karen silenced her voice, Richard
has kept her alive through the issuance of previously unreleased material and the issuance of numerous compilation albums.
In May 1998 I got to go to Downey, CA, where I had the opportunity to drive by the famous Newville Avenue home, where the Carpenter's lived in the 70's. This home was featured on the cover of their Now and Then album. I got to drive by Richard's current
home, too, and I visited Karen's crypt at Forest Lawn in nearby Cyprus. I took pictures at each of these sites, and I have included some of them for you to look at. Clink on the above picture to view those pictures, as well as to find other links to some other exciting Carpenter sites.
I have had a lifelong ambition, well, since I was about 10 years old, to build my own airplane. With my children nearly grown, it is time for me to finally get serious about this. I am now in the very beginning stages, and the plane I am currently focusing on building is the Falco, shown above. It is not a fiberglass airplane -- it is build from wood and offers very good performance. Click on the picture to enter into my world of homebuilt aircraft! FONT>
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I can be contacted at symetrics(at)yahoo.com , but you must replace (at) with @. I hate spam!