I'm Melanie, better known to some by my computer name of Ms. Soul Rebel. I was born May 2, 1977, which means that I am 26. *GASP!!!*
I'm originally from Georgia. I grew up in a small city named Bloomingdale, which is on the outskirts of Savannah. I have two sisters (Robin & Julie) and one brother (Chip). I also have two nieces, Carrie and Sophie. I also have a half brother (David) and I had a half sister (Debbie) who had two boys (John & Clark). Pretty big family, huh?
I keep pretty busy. I work full time for the county government in Maryland as a buyer. Then on the evenings or weekends, you'll probably find me waiting tables at a local New Orleans style restaurant. When I do have some free time, I'll probably be hanging out with friends, visiting a country bar, taking the dog hiking (click here for pictures of my recent trip to the "Billy Goat Trail" or here from a view at Gambrill State Park in Frederick ), or anything fun :) I also went skydiving for the first time Memorial Day Weekend 2002 at Chambersburg Skydiving Center, Chambersurg, PA
So who is the main love of my life? That would be my 6 pound ball of fur named Pierre. If you ever want to see me smile, all you have to do is mention him. He's a little devil, but he's the love of my life. And he's brilliant too! He can sit, roll over, get in his cage, shake, wake me up at 7am when he wants to go outside, and he can even roll down the windows in my car.
Wanna see some pictures? Check out this link: My Picture Page. Most of the pictures on there are not very recent. I'll try to do a better job keeping them updated.
You can email me at:
Every once in a while I happen across a quote that I find to be quite thought provoking. My favorite one of all came from the infamous Winnie The Pooh. I hope you enjoy it, and the others that follow.
"I always knew I'd look back on the times I cried and laugh,
but I never thought I'd look back on the times I laughed and cry."
"What is the point in learning to love, when really you should be learning to let go??"
"Absence is like the wind; it will either blow in a fire, or blow out a candle."
"To the world you may be but one person, but to that one person you may be the world."
Please come back soon!!
© 1997 mssoulrebel_77@yahoo.com