KaterTater's Homepage

Hey!! Welcome to my homepage...
My name is Kate Gemmill. I started this website sometime back in August of 98. After I got the basics from my stepmom and my dad on HTML, I learned everything else on my own.. I'd be glad to help you with any questions on anything pertaining to HTML or websites in general. Feel free to email me and I know it's a pain to do, but I love it when I get feedback on my website through my guestbook.. ;)
"If we can touch the sky, does that mean we have no limits?
Are we endless? Or are we suspended in space,
with our hands touching earth..."
This next link is to my favorite music groups and singers..
It includes MANY alternative bands, along with my favorites, Sarah Mclachlan,
Fiona Apple, Metallica, Bush, Silverchair, etc..
My MuSiC HoUsE
A BeAuTiFuL PoEm
DaRkeR PoEtrY
Strange Poetry
(A very odd style poem you'll enjoy)
"Dance like no one's watching
Love like it'll never hurt
Sing like no one's listening
Live like it's Heaven on Earth.."
--William Pukey
**My Newest Page**
A Beautiful page of Beautiful Pictures
"In our mortality, we share our individual being with all other beings.
We do not "retire alone" to the grave but lie down with
ancient patriarchs and kings, the good and fair and wise of all ages."
Death Quotes and My Beliefs
(My beliefs on religion and things of that nature)
Lake Applets
Personal Pictures
Rose Pics: Page 1~~Rose Pics: Page 2~~Rose Pics: Page 3
Awards I have Received
Please sign my guestbook before you leave!!

Read My Guestbook! | Sign My Guestbook!


For those of you who came here through either The Anything Scottish webring or
the WebPoets webring, if you want to get to the actual webring so as to
keep movin' on.. go to this page. I had to move my rings to
another page to keep this page loading fast.
Two Highly Recommended Sites:
Wanda's Homepage:Thyme In The Garden

Tom's Homepage: ABE WORLD

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