Home of the Scorpio Lady

Under Construction-- Constantly Changing!

Well hello there! :o) And thank-you for visiting with me!

Here are some quick facts about me:

Real Name: Ulrike
Handles: elli{D}...tessa...
Stats: 5'8, 155 lbs
Hair Colour: brown
Eye Colour: hazel
Birthdate: 10-25-54
Native Country: Germany
Now Residing In: Iowa
and YES, I am married... for 26 years now... and counting....
Fave.Colour: Red
Interests: POLICE,
Dancing,POLICE, Oldies & Country Music,
POLICE , Swimming, POLICE, Reading Good Books,
POLICE , Watching Good Movies,

You're probably wondering what I look like, so, here we go!

(wasn't THAT bad now, was it?...)

I guess now I should think about something intelligent to say!

So...pull up your favourite easy-chair and relax *smiles softly*...

As you already know, my name is ULRIKE (people call me after
that vacuum-cleaner "Eureka" of all things!But hey, I'm not
picky! Don't worry, I won't torture you with my last

I am a 50 year old housewife and mother of two girls (16+22)
from Iowa. I got moved here in the fall of '97 from Ontario/Canada,
and after making my home in Canada for more than 20 years
I still have a real hard time trying to get adjusted to the States.
The Canadians always made me feel very welcome to their
country. I miss Canada a lot!

But I am sure you don't want to read about me whining, so...

Originally I am from the Lower Saxony area of Germany, near
Hannover, and I am a middle child and only girl...uggh!!!
(my older brother - the genius- is 5 years older than me and
a very successful doctor in Germany...my "little" bro - the
- I swear, he could get away with "murder" by just giving
you his puppy-dog-eyes!!- is 12 years younger than me and working
in the office of an international shipping company in Germany.

Me, I am a correspondent for foreign languages (English and
Spanish) by trade, and I was working as executive secretary for
an international precision balance company. After vacationing in
the sun a few times, I was convinced I wanted to live in Spain

that is...
until my husband "kidnapped" me to live in Canada!
Well...hmmm...ahhh...you see, I was completely defenseless
against love at first sight!
But honestly! If someone would have told me I would move half
way around the world I would have declared them incompetent!
Lil cupid certainly earned his brownie points that time! *LOL*

stay tuned for more, I'll be back soon

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