FLASH The boat now needs some work. Finaly got the engine sorted and it got out of shape on the top end and did some quick moves. Before coming back the right way and coasting to a stop before sinking, it knocked the back left hand corner off of it.

LATER FLASH - I now have the motor in a Sanger Ski Hydro, I bought a few years ago for skiing ( well showing off anyway ). Not only that I am driving it myself, I always had a driver for the "blue boat".  Its a bit of a handfull and we are playing about with moving the motor for the extra power. Things start happening fast when the power comes on, which is about the time, I think "this is fast enough" and in a few more meetings I wil probably be able to complete the course without backing off. Only the person who does my laundry and me know how exciting this gets.
I'll get some pictures soon, and here they are.. I could have sworn the throttles were open more than this though. Fist shot is from the Australian Cjampionships in Melbourne ( I came 2nd)

The blue boat is being repaired and will be back in a few months too.

Alex Taylor's - That Boat
To see a bigger picture Click on the images. This picture above taken at Patterson Lakes in Victoria, is on the top end of the course, where the boat was timed at 158 miles per hour. (bit over 250 kph). Hopeing for more with the bigger blower and gears, this confugeration just ran out of revs.

This is a shot showing the "roster tail" that is kicked up off the propellor. This is just off the start line, and about 2 seconds later pictured below

This one is after it blew both head gaskets (too lean) -  Windsor 4/5/98

This is just as it got out of shape, notice the water beside the boat from where it started to hop

This one shows the back corner missing after the incident. Might not look much, but it went to the bottom fater than you could belive. This image is from the video tape and its as big as it gets already,

Hull - Sanger Climax Junior Drag Hydro
Motor - Supercharged 460 cubic inch Chevrolet
Lenco 2 sped transmission (air shifted)
 Casale V Drive - 80% overdrive
Blower - Monnyham 8/71 (this photo only a 6/71) 40% overdriven
Propellor - 11 3/4" x 18"
Prop Shaft 1 1/4"
  Motor uses Eagle rods with L-19 bolts
TRW 12 / 1 Pistons
Competition Cams Marine cam
Enderlie Fuel Injection
Alochol Fuel
RPM - highest its seen 9600, with 60% V Drive, thats why now its 80%

To play the Video you need one of these, If you dont have one. Click here to download one. The REAL PLAYER also plays sound files in its format and is quite popular . There are 2 choices a FREE on and one you pay for. Naturally the pay one is nicer. The free one is quite functional though Then just download the Video File and use the viewer you have selected to view it.

BORED Try this search ticker. It is serches going on right now on the internet.U see something you like click on it as it goes past. Be quick

Drats -Thats the name I use in VP Don't know about VP?
Want to find out about LAG and being BOOTED
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You need to have a unique Nickname - it may take a few tries. If the one you want is gone try tacking a number on the end First time, click on NEW USER It's real time chat, with people from all over the world. This one is EXCITE, In my estimation about the best. There is also AOL, which uses the same software (with a different Community Server, easy to change)and ZD Chat, which has its own software



Seeing as how you got this far This is me, in my cute little "driving outfit"

About 3 minutes before I ruined a pair of "Reg Grundies" ( Thats undies)
My friend said I needed some bears  and Dolls  one of each will have to do.



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