HEY!! people have ACTUALLY visited my site!!! WOW!
Hi, I'm Amy! (a.k.a. your favorite Trippy Bastard)
Holy shit... it HAS been a long ass time since I updated my site. Like, six years?
Well, six years covers a whole lot of a person's life.
What have I been doing, you ask? Where to start...
College and college-related indiscretions.
Drinking and drinking-related indiscretions.
Life and life-related indiscretions...
Went to lots of great shows (among them Bonnaroo 2002, 2005, and soon to be 2006)
Graduated with honors in Journalism (amazingly, given my freshman GPA)
Moved to Pittsburgh with Jimmy :)
got a job at a publishing company that will for now remain nameless
(this will allow me some leeway in possible future rants...)
BOUGHT A HOUSE!! I guess that's exciting!
Oh, yes, the joys of being a homeowner...
Right now, we're in the process of refinishing the floors,
then painting the walls,
finishing the attic,
replacing the side roof,
remodeling the bathroom,
repointing the masonry,
rebuilding the chimney...
(Though probably not in that order.)
But no landlords.
But anyway!
I also went to Italy in March/April 2005. Easliy the greatest trip of my life. And I've taken quite a few.
(Like the one to Key West where Jimmy nearly killed himself on a rent-a-scooter...I'll tell ya the full story sometime, when I have time.)
At any rate, we had a great time (Me, Jimmy, and Nancy Jo), the weather was great...
Oh, and we killed the Pope. You doubt, but we know the truth.
Italy has the greatest wine in the world. No preservatives = NO HANGOVER.
Talk about consequence-free drinking. And it tastes great!
But, the coolest drink we tried while we were there was Limoncello. It's a great lemon liquor made in Southern Italy.
The lemons there were the size your head. (Yes, even yours.) We have pictures.
Well, my friends, on that note, I must leave you. Perhaps this site will be updated again sometime in the next six years. :) I certainly intend to add some things in the near future.
In the meantime, busy yourselves reading some "new" material otherwise known as "What I did in college."
INSERT SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION: www.freewebs.com/pwdrchkn
Holy shit, its been a long ass time since I updated my webpage... Well, kiddies... We've been frequenting this page for a while now and I hope you've been sufficiently satisfied... if not... well, I really dont care. I know I've brightened your pathetic lives at least a little bit. And I know that you all have been extremely patient with me because I never ever ever update my page. Since I have now, however, I think it is a goddamn good excuse to get wasted.... :) I'm always full of sunshine!
Sadly, this summer didn't measure up to last summer AT ALL. I'm kinda pissed about that and I intend to make every attempt necessary to make sure it never happens again. My first mistake was living with boys. Girls, never live with boys. You definitely need one more female mind to keep you sane. And since my sanity was more than questionable before the summer started, you can only guess... But we all must move on from our disappointments, and keep on truckin'... Then again, that'll be hard too since Jes and I are idiots and we get the priviledge of losing our licenses for some time -- and my probation officer is a very pleasant lady. THIS IS ALL WE WILL DISCUSS ABOUT THAT SITUATION... do you understand me?!?!
Well, folks, we all have all the fabulous memories from last summer posted -- all the shit from my little black notebook. Hopefully I'll get lots of new stuff on in my spare time. In the meantime, check out the new shit below, and I promise, I'll put more stuff on as soon as I get the notion to write something worth reading... don't hold your breath, it sure as hell hasnt happened up until now...
Ok, so anyway, there's some stuff below that I've written about some basically stupid things that go on around me & my friends in the Kittanning Metropolitan Area. Actually, it's less like a metropolis and more like the Armpit of the Universe... But that's neither here nor there.
OK! Now that I have your attention... If you ever see or write or do anything cool, send me pictures, quotes, stories... and I promise you will have new-found fame resulting from the posting on this page. I know that all of my friends are idiots like 50% of the time (i'm obviously giving you the benefit of the doubt)... SO LET'S SEE SOME PROOF!!
The Muntjac is a Happy Creature...
SENIOR WEEK AT OCEAN CITY!! Experience our week second hand!
One Strange Night At Pork 'N Beans' House... This is what you've been waiting for.
Poems And The Like Self-explainatory.
!!FUN!! High School Seniors Face Big Decisions This is funny college shit... and all very true.
Our Lit Center Some damn fine literature, in my opinion!
My Own Personal BOOK OF DUMB!! This is updated constantly courtesy of Erin Trithart.
Pwdrchkn's Favorite Movies Quotes These are some classics. Phleeeease send me suggestions!
Public Service Announcement Hear me rant on and on (and on and on....)!
Todd Has Attacked My Computer!!! Ah, christ...
It's.... MONICA & BILL!!!!! Someone Notify Ken Starr...
Free Charles Manson Research Paper...Sure, It's Morbid, But It Makes For A Good Paper Topic.
Pepita's Page... Some funny shit here...
Batman's Page!! Batman is a big dork and hasn't updated her page in forever, but if you really want to waste about 2 minutes there, be my guest.
Spackle's Page! This is what we've all been waiting for!
The BLUR OF INSANITY... Impress your friends and annoy your parents...
Great Jokes & Stories! Oracle Humor.com
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