When you are worried, have trouble of one sort of another - to the coffee house!
When she did not keep her appointment, for one reason or other - to the coffeehouse!
When your shoes are torn and dilapidated - coffee house!
When your income is four hundred crowns and you spend five hundred - coffee house!
You are a chair warmer in some office, while your ambition
led you to seek professional honors - coffee house!
You could not find a mate to suit you - coffee house!
You feel like committing suicide - coffee house!
You hate and despise human beings, and at the same time you
cannot be happy without them - coffee house!
You compose a poem which you cannot inflict upon friends you meed in the street - coffee house!
When your coal scuttle is empty, and your gas ration exhausted - coffee house!
When you are locked out and haven't the money to pay for unlocking the house door - coffee house!
When you acquire a new flame, and intend provoking the old one,
you take the new one to the old one's - coffee house!
When you feel like hiding, you dive into a - coffee house!
When you want to be seen in a new suit - coffee house!
When you cannot get anything on trust anywhere else - coffee house!
-Peter Altenberg, an old foreign dead guy
According to thespark.com, I am a MASTERMIND!

That means I am in cahoots with Dr. Claw... hmmm...

See My Alma Mater!

A Moment of Silence
"Oh Lord! How long is art,
How short our life! And ever
Amid my work and critical endeavour
Despair besets my head and heart.
How difficult the means are to come by
That get one back up to the source,
And then before one finishes mid-course,
Poor devil, one must up and die."

Since I got all of these from one site, they all link to that site!

Check it, I got the second-highest philosophy ranking!
I apparently have well-thought-out religious beliefs!
Surprise surprise!!