An Tarbh

The last time this page was modified was on April 7, 2005.

Me in the Montreal St Patrick's day parade, March 2004

Traditional Irish Music CD project for Montreal musicians :)

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What's new here:

January 29, 2005: My life in 2004!!
May 9, 2004: A wintery day in the life of Montreal - photos of a fresh snow fall on February 4, 2004
April 4, 2004: more new pictures!!
October 14, 2001: I've added my camping photos from September 2001
October 8, 2001: I've added my photos from my Arizona trip; I've added a new photo of the cats; I've added some Morocco pictures too

Peter Gabriel

My friends and family (updated December 31, 1999)
My trip to Arizona in May 2001
I went to Morocco in October 2000!!
My trip to Ireland November 1998
- includes a review of hostels
My camping trips, September 2001
My trip to Newfoundland, Canada May 2000
My piano page
(updated August 25, 1999)
My résumé

Me in St John's harbour, Newfoundland, May 2000

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View my guest book (July 1998 to November 2000)

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