<Lisa Jeidy> |
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Thought I'd sit down
and make a little "something" for my friends, whose diaspora from
different locales in the Midwest has landed them... well, everywhere. I should first answer those questions to save you the trouble of engineering and asking them. I'm in the final semester of my Wildlife Ecology degree at UW Madison. After I graduate my plans involve work, although I don't have particulars at this time. In the foggier future I plan to pursue a master's degree in a similar field. The last book I finished was Rudyard Kipling's The Man Who Would be King (and other selected stories) and, the one I'm currently working on (with someone's Very Important business card buried deep in it's pages and set near my bed) is All Rivers Run to the Sea, by Ellie Weisel. In the last week I've guided rafts down a 11' class IV waterfall (Pier's Gorge on the Menominee River, Upper Michigan), started my barrage of fall classes in forestry, soils, and wildlife, and gotten drunk in a college bar on State Street. Moses just learned the command "Bang!", and my potted tomato garden successfully made the move with me, back to Summit Co-op, where I lived for two years before moving out into the wide world of Madison Slumlords for a while. My new roommate speaks Mandarin and plays the zither... how much more interesting could life get? Peace, LJ