I'm Michelle and this is my little homepage. You can see my web cam at Live Streaming Video I am 20 years old and live in Ames Iowa. I am actually from Ankeny which is like 20 mins. away. But I go to Iowa State University and majoring in Public Service and Administration.

This picture below is of me and Meredis (her real name is Meredith but I call her Meredis cuz it sounds cooler). It is one of our senior pictures. They had to removed my braces with a computer. Now I have them off though. I'm in the gray on the bottom and Meredis is in the blue on the top. This picture is about 2 years old though.

More and better pictures of Meredith and me and other people too right Here. They are updated way more often now that we are at school and using other people's scanners. If (and when) you go, you have to click the back button on your internet thing. All the links on that page go to Meredith's page. A link to the little page about me and my family is right here.

This is a picture of my boyfriend, Shane, and me at my dorm in the hallway.

There are more pictures of him and me right here. And right here. In this last picture that's Shane's dad behind him and last here.

There are some links to my other pages down a the bottom of this page.

Please sign the guestbook too!!!! Oh and the slam book is fun too!!! So do that.

Sign My Guestbook PLEASE!!!! I have to have more people sign my guestbook then Meredith!!!!!

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Other pages!
Page 2
One of the best pages of all is my bottle breakers PAGE!!
A page about random things here.
Pez Dispensers page now.

No I'm totally kidding. My real one was 38% which is average
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