Grankat's Webpage
Hi, I'm grankat I know the picture is just a little dated, I will put a newer one up a little later.I hope you enjoy your visit and return often and tell your friends about my page too. I will attempt to put links of all sorts into my pages, links to my family and friends of course but also links to things I have found of intrest or of use to me. I hope you will enjoy your visit and return soon and often.
Oh, btw this is what I look like now. My name is Kathy. I use the nicks grankat, katsdragon and/or katsdragn. I will answer to Kat and have been know to answer to gran. The nick grankat is because of my three year old granddaughter Katlyn. It is Granny Kathy. If you happen to be looking for me online you might find me on IRC. I use both Dalnet and Undernet,or it is possible that you might see me using CUseeme.
This little button will take you meet the people dear to me.