Welcome to Silverfox's Den!
Get frisky with the fox :)
Hi! My name is Silverfox, of course this isn't my real name, but if you frequent IRC
then you have probably seen me romping around chatting with the millions of people
that hang out there everyday.
I'm not a homepage wizard like some of the people I know, but I try. So bear with me.
It's been a while since I updated this page, so I hope you're not too mad at me, if you visit the Den often. I know there are a few people out there who check my new pics page *DAILY*, well, you'll be happy to know that I have new pics up there as of 5/10/99 for you to look at!
New Stuff!
Ok, lets see...I added more pics to my 'pics' page. I am also going to update my MUD page for those of you who drop in from my links there so you can keep up with what I have been up to on the MUD scene. Let's just say, I've come a long way! I'm also going to update the about me page. Maybe I'll put a new pic on there I think, who knows. So sit back and enjoy!
All about me! Why? Because I own the darn page!
IRC? What the heck is that?
ICQ: Can't live with it, cept on Fridays!

Why you want more pics...I'll never know.

They call me MUDder, Fox Mudder.
I started this Forum, but never use it *shrug*
Write me something, its the only page on here I check!
Follow their example!! Sign my book!
Pictures of my volleyball group from last year!
So kick back and relax a bit. Pull up some rocks and pine needles and make yourself at home!! If you have any advice on home decorating this place, or you just want to drop me a line...e-mail me at silkeyfox@msn.com :)
Take Care and come back soon!!
They told me that links are fun too...so here you go:
Wanna homepage like mine? I'm sorry *pats you*
Excite.com: It just sounds kinky huh?
Neilson Hubbard...Check out this new band from Mississippi!!! THEY ROCK!!
ICQ99 - I personally like the new sounds!
My current ICQ status:
Web-page Visitor - Communicate with Silverfox
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