Our Family

Our House

Family Stories

Stories of the
Baker Ranch

This was formerly "The Baker Ranch", but life happens, circumstances change, we learn, we grow, we continue forward. As with all changes, there is pain, sorrow, hard work, perseverance, and hopefully a bit of humor to be found in all things.

The changes you see here are part of a new beginning for those of us left behind. And to those who have quickly become part of our family. Some of the old has been maintained, as a reminder of where we have been, what has made us who we are at this moment in time. The new is being created each day, in our actions and our hearts...

In memory of Rob, I have the following words, borrowed from Randy Travis, but they say it all:

Once upon a time
in our life,
we held a key to every door,
and all that I desired
was you forevermore.
I found love in a heart
once broken far beyond repair,
and you restored a soul
that had forgotten how to care.
Everything we needed
was at our beckon call.
With you and I together
we could conquer all.
When I needed badly
to be cheered up for awhile
you were there
and all you had to do
was simply smile.
And holding things together
was so easy for us to do,
for you could turn to me for help
and I could turn to you.
And jealousy
was something that never entered our hearts,
for we were made for one another
no matter where we are.
When things were at their darkest
I could hold you next to me
and I knew all would be ok,
for you were strong when I was weak.
So given every chance for me
to start my life anew
there would be no question:
I'd do it all again with you.

I'll always love you, sweetheart.
Robert Vernon Foster
May you rest in peace until I can be with you once again.

As always, to our friends both new and old, we would invite you to sit back, relax and enjoy your visit here.

Carly and Rob