Welcome to my homepage all about me so....
Hi I'm Josie.
Well since this page is all about me I guess that you should know a little bit more about me. I was born in Indiana and about three days later taken to my home in Michigan. There I lived with my mom, dad, and three brothers. Well, now I have moved out and I am presently living with my husband, we live in Michigan together.
Well, Some of my intrests are: Helping out my friends with there problems. Spending time with my husband and my friends(when they have time for me.) I have just gotten into gardening, I guess that by getting a new house I have to garden. I love to hang out and just have fun.(I guess that I must ber getting old.)
If you would like to see some pictures of my friends and I just click below.
Photo Album
Would you Like to see a Little Friend of Mine?
Someone Special
Well, I guess that I can say I am a T.V. junkie from time to time but only a few shows. If you would like to find out more about them then just click on one below.
My Betty Boop Page
My South Park Page
Josie and the PussyCats
Cartoon Planet
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My Husband Jacob's Homepage
My Brother In Law, Travis's Homepage
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Fool of Fools

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