Samantha's Dreams
and hopes about life and other such nonsense.
Welcome to my world. I'll try not to bore you too desperately while you're here.
I've gone from being a production employee, to being a purchasing clerk, to being an administrative assistant, then finally back to the purchasing department as a junior buyer, all within the same company. Now I'm unemployed, living off of my retirement (not bad for only being 34), and planning on returning to college in the fall, majoring in Psychology. My plans for the summer include potty training my two year old and playing with a certain cute guy, he knows who he is.
7:51AM 07/23/2004 - " Here is the newest picture of my beautiful daughter.
1:03AM 06/06/05 - I'm working on trying to figure out where I'm going and what I'm doing in my life. I've quit my job and made a committment to go back to school, because I don't want my daughter to grow up watching me stagnate in a job I can no longer care about. I want her to see me as a woman who will do what she has to do in order to make her life and the world better. I want her to know that there's nothing she can't do if she's willing to work for it. Of course, her first step IS going to be using the potty chair. Email me at Tabby first 5 weeks July 03.
Tabbys first Christmas Walmart pics December 03
Tabbys first Easter Walmart pics March 04
Tabbys July Walmart pics July 04
Tabbys first catsup bath August 04
Movies on my shelf