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since Dec. 3, 1997. **NS3+ and IE4+ should work**
[Contents] [Links]

** Updates **
July 14, 2000 The string.js has been put back because it has an encryption method. Check it out at javascript page for more. Also download the new jsdoc.
May 12, 2000 I made a trivial game using javascript called Guess-A-Number (guess the correct number in a given range.)
April 13, 2000 The string.js has no valuable additional methods to String object. Thus it's taken down from javascript page.
January 11, 2000 The split2() of string.js in javascript page has changed.
January 3, 2000 A complete revamped Hash object (hash.js).
October 17, 1999 The JavaScript Date object works fine. My DateGC is not needed, and the date.js is taken down.
March 5, 1999 A big error in the FlashCard program; when using the program online, it cannot load the data files on local harddrive because of security issues of javascript. Data files saved on the net (i.e. http) work fine. So, I zipped up the program to download and run offline if needed.
March 2, 1999 Just perfected (almost) an app that mimics note cards for studying. It's called FlashCard. The help page is not finished. This app can run w/o the need to be online; email me to get the instructions to set it up on your computer.
February 24, 1999 Still wonder what javascript can do to online experience? Then check out this site bookmarklets.

** Contents **
Javascript Page neatto.  
Molecular Biology Page the science that brings the future here. Art Gallery: home grown or retouched.
Judo PageDescription about Judo, the gentle martial art *^_^*. Computer systems what would be best bang for the bucks.
Daily Planner (needs JavaScript and Cookie enable) the backgrounds are jpgs, so please let them load up fully. FlashCard: a studying app. (NS4+, IE4+ work safely)
Color Page converts RGB to Hex #  
Anime Page talks about Japanese animation. Game Page contains some of the best PC games (no console games).

** Links **
University of Texas at Austin This was where I studied for my undergraduate. My heritage
The Flying Penguin's Home PageFriend's webpage, check out his game and link sections ;} . Planet RoonsPlanet Roons another friend's webpage.
Serpent's Anime Page Really awesome page of anime pictures, movie clips, and songs ^_^ . Anime Web Turnpike Tons of links to other anime sites, alot of searching for the favorite anime though !_! .
Scream Design Scream Design: Your One Stop Web Design Resource (buttons, logos, backgrounds, htmls, etc. Formerly Andy's Art Attack!)
Joe Burns Htmlgoodies: goodies for html needs.

Javagoodies: goodies for javascript needs.

These sites are kept up by Joe Burns.

ProjectCool If DevEdge Online manuals are too high over the head or just want some simple tips, then come to ProjectCool Media's Developer Zone.
DevEdge Online: contains manuals, sample codes for all languages that work with Netscape browsers.
Developer Group: contains forums, news, tips, codes for all languages that work with the web.
Bookmarklets: they are great!! They increase your online experience many times.
sunjava Sun JAVA: "the source for JAVA(tm) technology".

Email: a-b-le @

This site is made with help from Serpent's and Penguin's source codes. Art works are made with tips from Andy. Inspiration is from Roland (aka Brian). Last but not least Roons got me started. Big thanks to them!!

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