.*~*.~M@6iC@L f@iRy @n63l-PRiNc3$$ Bi0tCh3$ fOr LiF3!!!! (oh yeah)~.*.~*.
$uP $uP p33p-0! u dUd3$ Ju$t 3nT3r3d a HeLL@ wi3rD p@y63, cOmPaR3d t@ d@ @$i@N oN3$ u U$u@LLy b33h HittiN uP, cUz iT'$ hO$t3d bY @ cOuPl3 oF Wi3rD-@$$ cHic$...iT'$ @LL gOOd ThOuGh...iT mI6hT $tiN6 @ LiL ~@~ fIr$T, bUt wH3n iT'$ @LL Ov3r, YoU'LL b33h Th@nKin u$--PrOmI$3!! @-it3 d3n...L3t'$ 63t Thi$ $hOw oN d@ rO@d!! OnC3 uPoN @ TyM3, iN @ f@r @w@y L@nd, tH3r3 liV3d d33z ~2~ fRi3nDz, @n @n63L @nD @ PRiNc3$$...
*~cLiQu3 @bOv3 ~4~ @ cUt3 $oN6, k@y??~*
*~cLiQu3 @bOv3 ~4~ @ hOm3R $oN6~*
**CLiQu3 h3r3 ~4~ 6oD'$ 6iFt$ t@ u$ 6iRL$!!**
**CLiQu3 h3r3 ~4~ CooL Link$!!**
**!!!special thanx to david(-scruff daddy) and margaret(-bebejade), w/o whom, none of this woulda ever been possible. that sounds gay huh? everyone says that...but it's true.. believe it or not, we two are even stupider than we look, so thanx bunches you guys!!!**
to hit up this payge...cool, aye?
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