Daz-L-Em Productions

Greetings Anglophiles!  Welcome to the future home of Daz-L-Em Productions, a new company committed to bringing the best of British culture to a computer screen near you!

However, we are so new that we haven't quite built ourselves a nice new home as of yet!  In fact, we'll be upgrading to some new digs any time now.  But until then, please bear with us as we try to make the place habitable.  Please feel free to have a look around as there are some links provided below that are active.  Any questions, comments, suggestions, etc., can be directed to the webmasters.

Who are we, and why are we here?

Want to know a little bit more about what we're all about?  Well, we want you to know anyway!  Click to find out how we plan to "Daz-L-Em".....

The Pantomime Goose: The Official Website of Kim 'Howard' Johnson

Who is Kim 'Howard' Johnson?  No, not the hotel guy...this guy wrote the book on Monty Python!  Well, several of them, actually.  He started out as a fan(atic) like the rest of us, and now he's living out every Pythonite's dream.  Come check him out!

The Full Monty ^Python

Well, what Anglophile site would be complete with a shrine to the Pythons themselves?  Tied closely with The Pantomime Goose, this site acts as a guide to all the Python looniness on the web ('cuz there's a lot!)  Particular attention is paid to the solo careers of the six wiseguys after Python....

The Fantabulous Eddie Izzard

Tons of sites have sprung up all over the web dedicated to this brilliant shining star of stand- up, and we didn't want to feel left out!  Izzard is arguably the heir-apparent to the throne of Britcom as he himself acknowledges his influences as Spike Milligan, the Pythons, and the Goons.  Come see what all the fuss is about!

As mentioned above, the company is still experiencing many, many growing pains, so please PLEASE be patient as we update regularly.  Coming soon: pages on Steve Coogan and Michael Crawford, and anything else we can think of.  Again, if you have anything constructive to add, please email the webmasters.