Silver Raven's Grove - Information on Wicca

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Greetings! Welcome To Silver Raven's Grove

I'm glad you decided to stop by. I hope you find what you are looking for. You must excuse my dust. I have only just moved in. Pull up a chair and enjoy a nice warm cup of cocoa. Some pages may take a minute to load due to graphics. Please be patient. I think they are worth it. Please stop by Windy's Fashionable Page Designs and The Dismal Swamp. That's where a lot of my graphics came from. PLEASE vote for my site! It's at the bottom of the page. Oh! And don't forget to sign my guest book. Thanks!

This is Macha. She's my familiar. She guards and protects my website and it's visitors. Do not worry. You are in good hands with her. Would you like your own animal or fairy familiar? Then visit Rowan here.


I originally took this material off the internet for use in my offline Book of Shadows. I do not know who the owners are but if you find something here that is your work please contact me and I will give credit where credit is do or remove the information if you wish. Thanks!

Beginner Wicca

The Very Basics of Wicca




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